Satellite Séance in the shadow of the GCHQ operated Listening Station in Bude, Cornwall; July 2019. Photograph by Matthew Phillips.
I am a London-based geographer exploring interdisciplinary, feminist and creative approaches to environmental knowledge making. My current project - Advancing Feminist and Creative Methods for Sensing Air and Atmosphere - explores the value of feminist principles, creative practices and design justice tools for citizen-led monitoring of air quality and weather patterns in a time of climate crisis. My first book, Sensing Art in the Atmosphere: Elemental Lures and Aerosolar Practices (Routledge, 2020) investigates the role of artistic and activist initiatives in expanding aesthetic and political orientations toward atmosphere, aeromobility and the elements. I am an active member of the Aerocene Community and a co-founder (with Sophie Dyer) of the feminist satellite imaging project open-weather. I currently work as Senior Lecturer in GeoHumanities at Royal Holloway University of London where I teach at the intersection of geography and the arts and humanities.
Feel free to email me using this site, or via my Royal Holloway address.
Please find my (reasonably up to date) Curriculum Vitae below.