I have a new commentary article out in the March 2015 issue of Dialogues of Human Geography, in response to Pete Adey's "Air's affinities: geopolitics, chemical affect and the force of the elemental". Other commentators were Derek McCormack, Anna Fiegenbaum and Anja Kanngieser, Marijn Nieuwenhuis, and Philip E Steinberg.
Abstract: It is a definition of elemental air as more than human, wholly ungraspable, and even monstrous, which enlivens Adey’s method of ‘affinitive listening’ to the elemental. The difference between air, as it has been lately addressed, and the element of air is that the latter precedes and exceeds the specific alchemical compositions of air masses, and is not reducible to the descriptions and metaphors with which we attempt to ‘grasp’ air and atmosphere. This commentary experiments with the concept of elemental air and, in particular, the method of affinitive listening, with the help of an atmospheric thing. I propose the Montgolfier infrared balloon as a device that sounds and senses air, generating materials and space times that render explicit, and also ungraspable, the atmospheric envelope around Earth.
Article here: http://dhg.sagepub.com/content/5/1/76.full.pdf