Together with Tomás Saraceno and Jol Thomson I am teaching a graduate seminar called Becoming Aerosolar. This semester we had two weekend-long aerosolar sculpture workshops at the IAK, during which we constructed several sculptures of different weights, materials and geometries; programmed microcontrollers for tracking systems; invented aerosolar maps; assembled an aerosolar instruction manual; and revised contemporary air traffic law to accommodate lighter-than-air flights. The students will present their work in a new exhibition by Tomás Saraceno at the 21er Haus in Vienna, also called Becoming Aerosolar, opening June 21st. Around the opening there will also be an opening symposium where we will present our work alongside academics and artists like Nigel Clark, Derek McCormack, Sanford Kwinter, Helga Elsner-Torres, Etienne Turpin and Bronislaw Szerszynski.
During the exhibition in Vienna viewers will have the opportunity to bring their own materials to construct aerosolar sculptures, and rent bikes with propellers to inflate them. Follow IAKinstitute on Twitter for live updates; tweet using the hashtag #becomingaerosolar.